Sunday, April 24, 2011

Bellydance for Performance: every Monday at 6pm (25 April - 2May 2011)

Attention Bellydancers and those who like to perform!!! Join Diane Adams every Monday night at 6pm for Bellydance for Performers at Pera Dance Studio Atlanta. If you want to be a performer or just look like one then this class is for you. The course is designed to get you in tip top shape for bellydancing at haflas, weddings or just look really good when you're out on the dance floor with friends in all middle eastern and international event settings.

-learn great combinations
-get travelling steps that work for restaurants, gala shows and other raqs sharqi events
-music advice
-veil techniques
-performance tips that make you stand out elevate you in this growing business

Diane Adams is the founder of Company Mezza and has worked with the city's top Raqs talent. In addition to overseeing events at Fanoos Persian Cuisine Diane has travelled the world studying with the legends of the industry for more than a decade. If you're looking to be better than the rest then learn from the best right here at Pera Dance Studio Atlanta. Join us every Monday for this essential class in the art of Bellydance Performance!

Bellydance for Performers
with Company Mezza Founder Diane Adams
Every Monday from 6pm-7pm
Pera Dance Studio Atlanta
1015 Collier Rd Atlanta GA 30318
$12 per person or Use your Pera Dance class card and save!
Bellydance MeetUp members are $10 each with proof of membership

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Diane Adams for serving Pera Dance with your time and effort. Diane worked very hard this past month to establish a bellydance for Performers class. The course had a few students and we are grateful for their attendance. The class has now ended. For more information on bellydance classes and courses at Pera Dance Studio Atlanta email or visit or see our class schedule on our blog. Thanks!
